Martelly need to turn in the drug traffickers in Parliament for Peace!

Belfanm - June 19 2011, 10:28 PM

Pres. Martelly need to call the DEA (drug enforcement Administration) to come get the drug traffickers from the Haitian parliament and he will have peace because Lambert will be the first one on the list. That parliament is filled with crooks and drug dealers, turn them over to DEA so they go to American Jail and have a new election to replace the drug dealers and Haiti will have some peace.

Once they see Martelly means business, they will stop holding the Haitian people hostage.

these thieves and drugs dealers are blocking Haiti from progressing and have the country in deadlock.

what kind of nerve Lambert and Inite thieves have to dare request the most important post that mostly deals with money, Minister of finance, Minister of interieur and minister of travaux public! what the hell! Martelly need to quit playing and turn in Lambert to the DEA!!!

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Jean Pierre Alexandre says...

Belfanm,you will need to make a list,but in the top. Don't forget Aristide,Preval. more »

Anne Marie Joseph says...

Scores of private citizens, the DEA and other top law enforcements have pictures of the compas boy selling in Florida.They kept those evidence under wrap to use them against him. When the will pick up the compas boy,they will pick you up also Alexand more »