Good Job Red Cross and NGOs In Spreading The Virus of Cholera
Good job to all NGOs and RedCross technicians in spreading the virus of cholera and other diseases all throughout Haiti.
As you want to decrease the Haitian population to a third by 2016, I wish you good luck and we are taking notes too. Thank you for administering the sex gender vaccine to many Haitian children after the earthquake of 2010. We are taking notes and we will know how to deal with this young generation as of 2030. Obama will leave office 2016 and you will have a Republican to replace him for 4 years followed by another democrate for 4 years and then another republican for eight years so we are prepared for all eventualities.
You have the power to decimate our people now, I say good job to you all and I wish you good luck.
Posted by Agent-x on July 22 2011 at 7:28 PM
> Good Job Red Cross and NGOs In Spreading The Virus of Cholera Good job to all NGOs and RedCross technicians in spreading the virus of cholera ...
Agent-x, July 22 2011 · Reply
Why you keep changing name and switching sides as well. Sometimes you call yourself Baboon Agent-x or Baboon Agent-X and I realize that you ...
Joubert, July 23 2011 · Reply
Joubert,you make me laugh until i almost lost my breath about Agent-x;it's a long history Joubert! Agent-x is a sick puppy,a lost Lavalas ...
Jean Pierre Alexandre, July 24 2011 · Reply