Mirelande Manigat was too old to be president but she is young...

Tiba - August 15 2011, 3:22 PM

Mirelande Manigat was too old to be president but she is young enough to be prime minister?

Her brain was too fuggy/cloudy to be "The commander in chief, but stable enough to be in command of the country?

Can anyone understand why the country called Haiti is never going to get any better as long as this "political landscape recycling system" is still in place.

This is why they will never accept "Dual Citizenship" in that backward island called Haiti.

The people have no option, no choice, and certainly no alternative but to always elect and select/appoint the same people to power as their leaders.

If Preval and now Martelly acknowledge the constitution is the biggest barrier to Haiti's survival why don't they scrap it off and write one that will free Haiti from bondage?

I just don't get it!

Haiti doesn't need a prime minister and Haiti needs inclusivity in order to rise up from the pile of shit she is in.

Can Haitians do anything right?


Mirelande Manigat: The New Haitian Prime Minister

Mirelande Manigat will secure the Prime Minister position to save Haiti. Martelly just confirms her choice this...

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