Agent-x, please stop B I T C Hing like a WHOre's mouth. My...

Jean Pierre Alexandre - August 16 2011, 7:17 AM

Agent-x, please stop B I T C Hing like a WHOre's mouth.

My gran-pa and my very old voisin in Haiti ounce told me, Dessalines was an albino with dots in his skins not like those regular one we see often around.

I don't know if you are familiar with the life in the outside of the Capital"Port-au-Prince",specially my old "voisin" Roland Mathias originated in the Plateau Central region told me Dessalines skin was just like a (boef berin'n or look like a brown horse albino).

We still have them in Haiti and i love to admire their cinnamon doted skin and berin'n color skins.

Why don't you and Aristide have him come back ounce more time in a voodoo ceremony?

Where i came from in the mountains i heard rumors about S H I T like that.
I believe even my great Gran-pa was into this mess, B U l ls hit.

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The more things change the more they remain the same...


Michel Martelly Predateur de la presse et des droits humain en Haiti

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