I will not expect the following comment in quotes is from even...

Jacqueline Blaise-rigaud - September 22 2011, 10:28 AM

I will not expect the following comment in quotes is from even the most unpatriotic and "apatrid" Haitian.

It is the same type of unpatriotic Haitians that naturalized as French, Canadians, Americans or whatever and siding with the natural citizens of those countries to denigrating Haiti.

Any Haitian that deprecate Haiti and the Haitian people in favor of Jamaica and Jamaicans does not deserve to live.

Read what this low life and marijuana drug addict state about Haiti:

"But the Jamaicans have courage and the stomach to do big things, which us, Haitians, do not have. Haitians are the most passive-aggresive and impulsive people on the planet."

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Toulimen, You are being sarcastic about the idea of a...


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jacqueline where you get that from, learn your...

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