"Jean-Marie Desinor" I know who you are because you are...

Agent-x - October 1 2011, 4:27 PM

"Jean-Marie Desinor" I know who you are because you are because you are a sub literate and not a brilliant person.

I recognize you by doing a document analysis from your writings.

I spot the water marks from your graffitis and your signature as a sub literate, jealous and untrustworthy; you are the same leech since Preval days that continue to write with a four letter word pen name [consisting of two vowels and two consonants].

**Refers to the usual lexicon of this mutant.

You will stab your own mother on her back for material comfort.

You have allegiance to no one no country but your material comfort and your pocket.

Put you in the Duvalierist camp you will betray them, put you in Lavalass camp you will betray them, put you in Martelly camp you will betray them.

You sound like a drug addict with gender confusion-GCP that is why you tend to be vicious and devious in your approach.

You are the same type of people who claims that Aristide was in a mental hospital in Canada.

Anyone that works with GCP knows their modus operandi; in the past you portrayed yourself as a Social worker on this blog. If you ever work in mental health field, it must be as a drug counselor because usually they pick drug addicted homeless, GCP or both from the street and gave them that position.

You are not a Psychology Major nor a college material because you don't have the intellectual might and capacity to earn a college degree.

If you have one you get it through your gender confusion network solidarity not through your intellect.

1- You will have to learn how to spell words because it is obvious you cannot spell the word psychology that you claim your are majoring.

Do not talk about Degree unless you are referring to the temperature in degree in the kitchen where they will hired you as a kitchen helper.

However, hiring an illiterate like you in the kitchen might put you and the restaurant patron life in danger since you might use clorox for vinegar and causes involuntary death.

2- In the field of psychology, social work, psychiatry,public relation, advertising and journalism the public expect you to be an expert in communication as you will expect a chemist will know the basic laws and equations in chemistry.

A person in the field of communication should be good at spelling, mastering the meaning of the words he is using You will have to learn the roots, etymological definition and meaning of words which you are not good at; for example the word intelligent and half-witted are mutually exclusive; therefore you are contradicting yourself and clearly portraying yourself as a fool and stupid since you are incapable using the right word, incapable of rational and logical thinking.

I will not venture myself diagnosing you with a mental diagnostic from the DMS-IV because I am not a certified psychiatrist.

However, I am suggesting that your aborted attempt to write an oxymoron suggest that you are a certified moron in a non psychiatric meaning and a vicious macoutes or the progenitor of a macoute.

You are using the word of Bipolar

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