Nobel Peace Prize to The President M. Martelly

Makandal Neg Mancho - October 14 2011, 7:56 PM

Rencontre avec les EX- Mandataires:

Mr. JC Duvalier, JB Aristide, Mr. Bonifas
Mr. P.Avril, Mr. Preval, Mme Elta T.
Mr. L. Manigat.


Un Fait historique, de grand courage, d'un fils
du pays.Nul de ces ex- mandataires n'avait intente
la paix en Ha

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Rev. Dr. Rivel Dumaine says...

Good job let move one we are not going back never and never. Haitians are for inclusion not exclusion. more »

Ronald Altieri says...

Bravo Makandal et merci Rv. Dr. Dumaine! This is an excellent idea. Let us do as much we can to make become reality. The world should know about this avant garde musician who is now conducting a symphony of reconcialiation and of peace. The world can more »