suggestions to insure progress in haiti

Frantz Dorismond - October 28 2011, 8:52 AM

my name is Frantz Dorismond
As a Haitian Patriot, i'ld like to see my country free of any foreing army troops in haiti, including the UN troops.however, ithink
that it is to early to led go or to ask the UN troops to leave now.
even thought ifelt treaten this month by their automatic weapens pointing at me on the main street of cazeau in p-au-p while i was ridding in the back of a tap-tap.this kind of image didn't exist in haiti in my life under Baby Doc or when iwas i9 years old at the end of Papa Doc tenure in would see that once in a while{un detachement de soldats des casernes Dessalines en camion se rendant a l'aireoport Francois Duvaliers d'alors pour aller accueillir un Chef d'Etat comme Hahile Selacie:roi d'Etiopie ou bien un officiel de grande envergure comme l'ancien gouverneur de N.Y:Nelson Rockfeller en 1970}so it is ok for now(bouche nin ou, boet dlo senti qunie a)but i beleive in the leadership of president Martelly that will certainly get us out of there(a l'instar du president Stenio Vincent qui nous a sorti de l'occupation americaine en leur demandant de laisser le pais bien gentillement et diplomatiquement)That is why i support him early in his bid for the presidency when he was the only one of the former candidates to call for the return of the {FORCES ARMES d'HAITI}.This is the only way to protect our border against the dominicains that invade our territory from time to time with eavy machine guns with impunity, occuppaying part of our lands.they have already 2/3 of the island:why they want more?the president should complain thru his ambassador to make them return back to the limitations of the Wiswick treaty on the 1700's when the French but 1/3 of the island of hispanola from Spain.

Moreover it is also a way to protect the natural mine wealth that the country has and to establish interior control, air space control,200 miles fisching zone control of the country.finally, it is also away to respect the constitution of 1987 that call for the existance of the arms forces in Haiti in theseterms:{aucune force militaire ne peut exister sur le territoire national d'Haiti, autre que les forces armes d'Haiti.Think about it

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