Genetic Disease: White Zombie In Our Body

Toulimen Legrand - November 9 2011, 11:36 AM

Bioscientists want us to believe that genetic diseases are hereditary diseases i.e. passing down to us by our parents.

That is not true such a thing called natural genetic diseases but created genetic diseases by our jobs creators called bioscientist doctors well specialized in biomedical sciences aimed at practicing natural selection doctrine or principles as prescribed by Charles Darwin, the discrimination father or the black race and especially the dark skinned ones. Bioscientist doctors are mostly administrators of our hospitals and they form a secret society and they have the mission to control the life expectancy of all human beings on earth.

Genes are foreign bodies implanted implanted in our bodies by those doctors at birth.

Those genes are transmitted to us through so-called vaccines of protection against diseases.

Some genes have the mission to reduce your life expectancy by weakening your immune system just to buy their pharmaceutical products.

Dark skinned blacks are the most discriminated ones of all races.

Bioscientists implants inflamatory genes in black bodies to make them develop fat bodies like elephants, monkeys or chimps.

This inflamatory gene develops upper respiratory infection in their nasal system and dark skinned blacks have a tendency to develop big mouth, noses, heads and big ears too. This foreign body called gene can bother them for the rest of their lives, and that is why people call it white zombie in your body. There is no hereditary disease period.

The hereditary line is transmitted by those bioscientists who are managing our hospitals.

Once you are born, they go to family archives to know what types of genetic disease gene to inject in your first vaccines to continue your family hereditary line.

We have all types of genes developing genetic diseases in your body. Some genes like gonhorrea, syphillis, HIV, herpes, to name a few are aimed to weaken your immune system and if you don't take medicines through treatment methods and not curative methods you will end up dying early as expected.

Others are cancerous and they are aimed to destroy bad races i.e. poor whites, blacks and other minorities versus so-called good races such as whites and light skinned people.

To fight this sort of injustice, one needs to know how genes are created and how to get rid of it like spelling or casting a black zombie from your body. White zombies are worst than black zombies and we need to educate ourselves to get rid of white zombie called genetic disease.

It is a threat to our human civilization and those hospital administrators aimed at discriminating others must be contained in their evil practices.

We, Haitians, have a lot to do to get rid of this threat because the gene secret was passing to white bioscientists by Voodoo Priests.

They have modernized it and they keep it secret to hunt us in return.

We must fight genetic diseases on all fronts because it is discrimination and it is aimed to make the black race an inferior race on earth.

Look what those bioscientists have done to African Americans in the U.S. They inflict them all types of genetic diseases more than any other ethnic groups in the U.S. and they transform their bodies into elephants.

We must fight this sort of racism aimed at reducing the human population as well as eliminating an entire black race to lighthen the world population.

We should fight our hospital administrators in Haiti so they will not change Haitian's DNA and RNA to promote homosexuality among us. This is the next fight and we must contain those racists.

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Michel P says...

I use to ask myself how blacks ended up to getting fat bodies, big noses and many diseases that you pointed out in your posting, but now I understand why. Good job Toulimin and may God bless you! Michel from Netherlands! more »