Search and rescue has been ordered for the letter "F"
The letter [ F ] has been reported missing in action during the final sixty minutes of the Senate special commission reports after some received a commission under the table or on the back alley or in the corridors of power.
Consequently, the noble Haitian people is starting operation search and rescue for the letter "F".
♦Charlie-5 respond
♦Echo-2 respond
♦Foxtrot-7 respond
♦Kilo-3 respond
♦Oscar-1 respond
♦Sierra-4 respond
♦Tango 8 respond
♦X-ray-6 respond
♦Zulu-9 respond
Nota bene--> Σ The real guilty are still at large.
Σ The letter F is venerated and has been an important symbol pregnant with meaning for bad people in the anglophone world.
Posted by Agent-x on November 23 2011 at 1:17 PM