"President Martelly trust God".
President Martelly;hang on there do not give up. There is a song of the late Whitney Houston title"I look to you"some of the lyrics said:Winter storms have come and darkened my sun, after all that I've been trough who on earth can I turn to.I look to you, I look to you. After all my strength is gone, in you I can be strong, I look to you, I look to you.The "you" she was singing about is "God".He is the only one who can give you all the strengths that you need to help Haiti, I encourage you to trust him and you won't be sorry.Just try him and you will see what he can make you accomplish for Haiti, also he will put all your ennemies at your feet.Find that song and listen to the lyrics, and God will guide you he is the great counselor.
Remember there are million of us that are praying for you, you are not alone because numbered of Angels and Cherubim are watching over you.