How could Haiti be selfsufficient when Haiti cannot make his...
How could Haiti be selfsufficient when Haiti cannot make his own gazoline to drive cars. Haiti cannot make televisions.
telephones, radios.
musical instruments.
Haiti cannot make oven, modern bathrooms, bathtubs, refrigerators.
air conditioners.etc, just to name a few. Nobody can really be selfsufficient.
Haiti needs to exchange goods with other nations, not stay by himself to make progress.
Haiti can make nice furniture, Haiti has to export his furniture and import other goods he cannot make. Haiti needs to make frients with other nations so they can invest in Haiti to develop commerce and education in Haiti.
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Rev. Duval Denis,Haitians don't trully or really want...
Secret pour la delivrance d'Haiti
Que la grace et la paix du Seigneur Jesus soient avec tous les Haitiens! Voici les recettes pour la delivrance d'Haiti...