The question is, what the Haitian president, Martelly is going...
The question is, what the Haitian president, Martelly is going to do, after he is done crying, to save and protect lives on those roads?
I asked this question a few days ago, what kind of bus that could carry 66 passengers plus sacs of produce?
The way I see it, greed blindfolds Haitian drivers to the point where they have no regard to human life, and the government doesn't seem to care about Haitian's lives either.
It is the government's job and responsibility to create traffic laws while modernizing roads in Haiti to make them safe. Every taxi (bwat alimet/Kamyonet) and bus (otobis) is always over loaded.
There is always at least 10 to 15 passengers more than the vehicle capacity and there is no speed limit.
What to expect in such traffic condition?
Dead bodies! Haiti cannot keep living the dark age and the stone age era. This is the 21st century, let's act like it.
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It is sad too many people are dying on the haitian...
Port-au-Prince, dimanche 8 Avril 2012 : Le Président de la République, S.E.M. Michel Joseph Martelly, a...