I think that is an important step in the right direction, but...

Tiba - April 22 2012, 2:40 PM

I think that is an important step in the right direction, but it would take more than vaccination to better the life of Haitian children and reduce the high infant mortality in Haiti.

Medication/vaccination without food would be counter productive.

This is why the government MUST feed ALL Haitian children by creating jobs in order to give parents means to feed their children while the government comes up with a well funded and well managed school breakfast program in all Haiti.

Also, not only passing laws to protect children from abuse, exploitation, and sexual violence, there ought to be social program to provide crisis intervention, counseling, outreach, psychosocial, and psycho therapy to the victims.

Haiti must provide a modern social human approach to its people.


La Présidence de la République annonce la réalisatio​n de deux grandes activités intensives pour améliorer la santé de l’enfant

Port-au-Prince, jeudi 19 Avril 2012 : La Présidence de la Républiqueporte à la connaissance de la population en...

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