Haiti needs 9 money transfers in the North, 9 in the South, 9...

Yvrance Unelus - July 6 2013, 5:14 PM

Haiti needs 9 money transfers in the North, 9 in the South, 9 in the West, 9 in the East to create jobs in Haiti.

Tourists are visiting their grandmothers and grandfathers in Haiti, tourists come to relax on vacation in all the departments in Haiti.

It is the carnival des fleurs in Haiti, tourists are coming for carnival des fleurs.

Haiti has clean beaches in the South for tourists to come relax under the mango trees, drinking fresh coconut waters, eating cabrit boucanin, Welcome to Haiti anytime.


La Modernization D'Haiti Doit Venir D'En Bas A En Croire Aux Elites Haitiennes

Les elites Haitiennes disent qu'elles permettront aux gens de la Diaspora d'occuper des postes strategiques non...

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