Degradation de l'environnement dans le bas nord'ouest.

Syfrid Roche - April 23 2014, 1:40 AM

Mr le President, j'aurais souhaite que votre gouvernement instaure un alternatif plan a l'utilisation du charbon de bois a commencer par nos grandes villes.

Je suis de jean rabel et ca me fait grand mal de voir notre couverture vegetale systematiquement detruite a zero, une action qui a pousse la population a l'extreme pauvrete.

Merci Mr le President de votre comprehention.

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Juanita Selon says...

They get involved in Zenglendo, kidnapping people, stealing them instead of planting their vegetables. They get involved in all types of wrongdoings instead of cultivating their land. They should go back in the farm to get out of hunger. Go back to more »

Juanita Selon says...

They get involved in Zenglendo, kidnapping people, stealing them instead of planting their vegetables. They get involved in all types of wrongdoings instead of cultivating their land. They should go back in the farm to get out of hunger. Go back to more »