Congratulations, Haiti needs an active coast guard security to...

Joseph Unelus - October 1 2014, 12:02 PM

Congratulations, Haiti needs an active coast guard security to prevent terrorism.

Haiti needs a Fregate in the North to go to Latortue to transport goods in the North part of Haiti.

Haiti needs a Fregate in the South to go to the Grande Anse, Cayes, Nippes to transport goods, merchants and passengers to the marketplace on a daily basis.

Those motor boats can go the Grande Anse, Latortue in the morning and come back to Port au Prince in the afternoon.

Modernize Haiti and his means of transportation.

Haiti should travel faster.

Haiti also needs railroads to promote social mobilization and decentralize Port au Prince in this new millenum.


Journée mondiale de la mer : Tous ensemble pour une mer plus saine et une navigation plus sûre

Port-au-Prince, le mardi 30 septembre 2014.- A l'occasion de la Journée mondiale de la mer, ce mardi 30...

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