Haiti - President Michel Martelly Archives

Browse the list of topics discussed during the presidency of Michel Martelly in Haiti.

A Message For President Michel Martelly

Dear President Martelly, May the Lord God guide you in this journey that you will be taking in being the president of Haiti. I pray that God can use you to bring Haitien people closer to God so that we all can live in love and harmony among...

Haitian Vitamin-News 16 November 2011-part-B-1

◙ New York Times ▬ By RANDAL C. ARCHIBOLD-07 November 2011►Cuba Takes Lead Role in Haiti

Haiti In Your Hands. (poem dedicated to President Martelly)

Tete kale, you are a Picasso masterpiece not easy to understand. You represent a collage of knowledge. God entrust this beautiful country to you because he knows you true. You are like Moses at heart; you'll deliver this nation from misery. Like a...

Donner a Cesare ce qui est a Cesar

President Martelly,I want Haiti become a new country,many people thanks you can not do that,but keep going on this with Laurant Lamothe and the will see what kid the change than you talking about. sofar you did a good job for the haitian people.But...

Alexander, do you know the definition of parasite? The paucity...

Alexander, do you know the definition of parasite? The paucity of your vocabulary is lamentable. I don't understand that you suffer from vocabulary malnutrition in the land of plenty. Also, you contradicted yourself when you mentioned Aristide. You...

Quel loi et punition contre les voleurs de maison

En Haiti on a voler ma maison a Thomasin 25 depuis 2008 comment vous allez faire votre lois contre les voleurs de maison et contre les Avocats qui nous vole d'etre Haitienne c'est une double esclavage car il faut nourire la maman le fr

PHOTO: Haiti Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe Visit to Boston (USA)

Haiti Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe went on a two-day visit to the city of Boston Massachusetts to explore new...

Comptez vraiment avec Dieu et Haiti changera.

Monsieur le president je suis Rose Ketlyne. Je suis heureuse d'avoir l'occasion de vous communiquer ce message.Que j'estime etre urgent et important. La tradition ou meme la croyance veut que le systeme politique haitien soit controle, dirige par...

Qui est Joel Leon?

Joel Leon est un propagandiste politique Haitien travaillant pour Jean Bertrand Aristide, l'ancien dictateur de la republique d'Haiti. Il est specialise dans l'assassinat de caractere. Jean Betrand Aristide le patron de Joel Leon est responsable de...