Tiba - Haiti - President Michel Martelly Archives

Topic and comments posted by Tiba

Mirelande Manigat was too old to be president but she is young

Mirelande Manigat was too old to be president but she is young enough to be prime minister? Her brain was too fuggy/cloudy to be "The commander in chief, but stable enough to be in command of the country? Can anyone understand why the country... more »

That would be Martelly's dumbest decision of his presidency

That would be Martelly's dumbest decision of his presidency, unless he is already sick and tired of the job. An Aristide prime minister will lose Martelly in the translation, meaning, Martelly will be nothing more but Aristide's shadow. Martelly... more »

Insecurite-Champs de Mars : La Presidence annonce des mesures

I did not write the article bellow, I stumbled on it and posted on here so everyone can analyze and arrive to their own conclusion, and as for me, here's mine: The earthquake happened on January 12, 2010 and left thousands of Haitian families... more »

Jojoline, Hold your horses for a minute! I think you are the

jojoline, Hold your horses for a minute! I think you are the one who needs to shut up because you are not making any sense whatsoever. You are lecturing me about "promotion." You ough to know that even monkeys, who are doing flip-flopping on trees... more »

The wisdom of stupidity and flaw of the government

Michel Martelly, the newly elected pressident of Haiti, went on a big carnaval of promotional programs tour around the country in the past few weeks. Amongst them that make-up the list like: technology, education, etc.. but "Tourist" was the... more »

The Absence Leadership in Haiti

Lack of Leadership in Haiti, would be an over blown statement. Haiti Has No leadership, period! She never did and and never will. Leadership is a foreign, and a over used fantasy statement for Haitians. They don't seem to understand the definiton... more »

How to Get a Post/Job in the Martelly's Government?

Since the beginning of time, the Haitian Government has always been a "mom's and pop's, and elite/bourgeois" run company. Meaning, there is no place for an unknown (a no body), poor person regardless of the education level, skills, and experience... more »

Edner, I think "The Diary of a Schizophrenic" would have been a

Edner, I think "The Diary of a Schizophrenic" would have been a more appropriate title for your article, or editorial, or whatever the hell it is because I could not make any sense of it. But one think for sure, it certainly describes you as... more »

Le pillage et de vol des deux chambres du government

Mes chers compatriotes, voici la vraie raison pour la quelle ces badits dans les deux chambres du government en Haiti ne veulent pas et ne voudront jamais aucun changement dans ce pays. Ces individues sont tous des voleurs, des assassins, et des... more »

Ayisyen, Pale Franse Pa Di Lespri Pousa!!!

Since the beginning of time, Haitians have always positioned themselves as the most educated, the most knowledgeable, the better informed, and just the "Know it all" people there is on the planet. Unfortunately, "the more things change, the more... more »

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