Michel Martelly Presidential Archives

Browse through the Presidential photo archives of ex-Haiti President Michel Martelly. See all the pictures taken when Michel Martelly was in president of the Republic of Haiti.

President Martelly - Ceremonie 18 Mai 2014, Arcahaie Haiti - 211e anniversaire du Drapeau

President Martelly - Ceremonie 18 Mai 2014, Arcahaie Haiti -  211e anniversaire du Drapeau

Photo: President Michel Martelly, Ceremonie 18 Mai 2014, Arcahaie Haiti - 211e anniversaire du Drapeau...

President Michel Martelly accompagné, Première Dame Sophia Martelly, Premier Ministre Laurent Lamothe ont commémoré, ce dimanche 18 Mai, à l'Arcahaie, les 211 ans de création du Drapeau haïtien, symbole de la souveraineté de la Première République noire indépendante du monde.

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Martelly - Inauguration - Pont Riviere Courjolle - Arcahaie Haiti

Martelly - Inauguration - Pont Riviere Courjolle - Arcahaie Haiti

President Michel Martelly, accompagné du Secrétaire d'Etat aux Travaux publics, Transports et Communications, M. Philippe Cinéas, a inauguré, Jeudi 17 Avril 2014, un pont de franchissement dans la commune de l'Arcahaie (Ouest), sur la rivière Courjolle, en vue de faciliter la libre circulation sur la Nationale No.1.

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PHOTO: Haiti - First Lady Sophia Martelly casting her fote for Senator and Depute

PHOTO: Haiti - First Lady Sophia Martelly casting her fote for Senator and Depute

Look at this photo... Haiti - First Lady Sophia Martelly voted in Petion Ville Sunday casting her vote for Senator and Depute in the 09 Aug 2015 elections...

The first lady, accompanied by president Michel Martelly, voted at Lycee national de Petionville, Voting booth 48

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PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly lanse kanpay PKTK nan vil Cap Haitien

PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly lanse kanpay PKTK nan vil Cap Haitien

Gade photo saa... Haiti - President Michel Martelly lanse kanpay PKTK Ofisyel nan vil Cap Haitien

PHTK - Parti Haïtien Tèt Kale, poste sou paj facebook yo ak photo saa:

"Fòs nou se nan pawòl nou ak aksyon nou yo. Nou fenk kare travay nan entère pèp la. #NapTransfòmeAyiti"

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Haiti - President Martelly celebre fet nwel 2013 la ak timoun yo nan Palais National

Haiti - President Martelly celebre fet nwel 2013 la ak timoun yo nan Palais National

Gade foto saa... Haiti - President Michel Martelly celebre Nwel 2013 la avek timoun yo nan lakou Palais National...

Haiti President Michel Martelly and First Lady Sophia Martelly celebrates Christmas 2013 with the children of Haiti on the grounds of the National Palace

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PHOTO: Haiti PM Lamothe and Venezuela President Maduro in New York

PHOTO: Haiti PM Lamothe and Venezuela President Maduro in New York

Haitian Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe had a brief encounter with Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro during his visit in New York for the General Assembly of the United Nations.

According to HCNN, the two men exchanged briefly about the cooperation and the strong and genuine friendship that Haiti and Venezuela and leaders on both sides, have developed and further strengthened over the past years.

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PHOTO: Haiti - PM Laurent Lamothe ak President Martelly - Gouvenman Lakay ou La Gonave

PHOTO: Haiti - PM Laurent Lamothe ak President Martelly - Gouvenman Lakay ou La Gonave

Gade photo saa... Haiti - Premier Minis Laurent Lamothe ak President Martelly men nan kou nan Gouvenman Lakay ou sou zile La Gonave... Ke mesye yo kontan, wa di se de frè...

Kisa-w panse de sa?

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Celebration - 2 years of Ti Manman Cheri - Henfrasa, Delmas Haiti

Celebration - 2 years of Ti Manman Cheri - Henfrasa, Delmas Haiti

Martelly commémore les deux ans de «Ti Manman Cheri» à la Henfrasa...

Haitian President Michel Martelly celebrates 2 years of the Ti Manman cheri program in Haiti at Henfrasa in Delmas Haiti

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Haiti - President Martelly ak PM Laurent Lamothe ap celebre 2 lane Ti Manman Cheri

Haiti - President Martelly ak PM Laurent Lamothe ap celebre 2 lane Ti Manman Cheri

Gade photo saa... Haiti - President Michel Martelly ak Premye minis M Laurent Lamothe ap celebre 2 lane Ti Manman Cheri nan Henfrasa...

Haitian President Michel Martelly celebrates 2 years of the Ti Manman cheri program in Haiti at Henfrasa in Delmas Haiti

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Celebration - 2 years of Ti Manman Cheri - Henfrasa, Delmas Haiti

Celebration - 2 years of Ti Manman Cheri - Henfrasa, Delmas Haiti

Martelly commémore les deux ans de «Ti Manman Cheri» à la Henfrasa...

Haitian President Michel Martelly celebrates 2 years of the Ti Manman cheri program in Haiti at Henfrasa in Delmas Haiti

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