The time is now
I don't need to mention my name, but is time for you Mr. President to put your feet down and dismantle Senators and Representatives Chambers.
Those guys, don't have heart, families, and also they aren't Haitians.
It's time to act like Papa Doc, kick those guys out of Haiti: let them come to America and see how hard life is. Those 42 guys who vote against Rouzier, please can you ask them to show to the people how much do they pay for taxes last year?
If they can't prove it, kick them out. Don't wait too much longer, those guys aren't human, they are some kind of "SANSU" who swear to suck haitian bloods.
The time is now to let people: see who is the President.
The whole world is waiting on you to make that move. The time is now for HAITIAN PEOPLE to breath, the time is now for us diaspora to come home without fears, the time is now for haitian children "FUTURE GENERATION" to go to school and get a better education, and the time is now to rebuild our country.
Please don't negotiate with those blood suckers, if you do it once Mr. President, you have to keep on doing it for five years.
Send those blood suckers home with a pink slip, and ban them from running for public office.
No one will blame you if you close "La Chambre": those guys are good for nothing, they don't see how bad is Haiti, so Mr. President the time is now or never.
You need to keep the promise that you made to Haitian People even the diaspora, please don't deceive us and the whole world
Good luck