Agent-x, A S S H O L E like you will never change. If you have...

Jean Pierre Alexandre - August 15 2011, 2:53 PM

Agent-x, A S S H O L E like you will never change.

If you have a brain, you would never send someone to check their dictionnary.

A crook like you and your buddy Aristide deserve the rope.
I mean the rope is for you and i prefer Aristide to taste a narrow point of a 99.95 pure copper bullet modify by me, no body else cause the might not do the modification very well, properly.

Are you the only educated Haitian here on this blog?

A S S H O L E, you most be the only educated man in your entire familly.

I wonder about your mother and father?

I am sure they were stupid enough to push only you in school and leave the rest to assist Aristide in Chimeres, R A T P A K A K A.

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