Richelle is the name used by the avowed transgender Jean...

Agent-x - August 30 2011, 10:56 PM

Richelle is the name used by the avowed transgender Jean Pierre Alexandre.

The position of bayacou was offered to this s/he because s/he life style experience[gender confusion] give s/he enough transferable skills for that position.

By the way, within five years, bayacou position will be discontinued in Haiti because the masses will have modern bathroom.

The Lavalass elementary schools will teach the Alexandre family how to use the bathrooms so they will not clog them with rocks, news papers and other hard objects.

Response to:

You make me laugh I know some us as Haitian always...


Richelle is happy with his new position as a bayacou

It has been a difficult job to recruit a bayacou in Haiti and in the third world because no want want to be a bayacou...

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Go find your rank agent kk.You to dark for me to play...

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