Foreigners are taking over Haiti by buying lands

Agent-x - August 31 2011, 12:04 AM

This is what will happen to Haiti in a few years if the continue to allow foreigners to buy our lands

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Frederick St. Surin says...

Are they taking the land with them??? What happen when we purchase land in America? Come on it's okay for foreigners to buy land in Haiti. That's what advance countries do. It calls investment more »

Agent-x says...

They should return to the old Haitian constitution to forbid foreigners from purchasing property in Haiti because such action betray the desiderata of Dessalines because he saw the danger that such transaction will entails. Haiti is not a military p more »

Frederick St. Surin says...

you sound like a communist. Israel did not purchased the land, they got the land as a result of the 1967 war... (west Bank & goland Heights) more »

Agent-x says...

You sound like a vicious ignoramus. I don't think that you are able to understand what you read. Therefore,You should improve you reading before you start posting comments to matters that are way above your ability to comprehend. Read about world hi more »

Jeanne Pierre says...

so what's wrong with buying you are so ignorant,talking bs when half of your budget go to your senators,deputy no money for education, no money for the health industry. I brought a land in Naples five years ago what's wrong stupid. more »

Frederick St. Surin says...

Why are you so frighty. No wonder why we can't get anything done in Haiti. By the way, no constitution is pecfect. That's why constitutions have what we call amendments. The old Haitian constitution is no exception. Good luck more »

Agent-x says...

Frederick St. Surin,since you taxed me as a communist,I think that you are not too bright. Consequently, you should try to discus topics that are at the dimension of your microcephaly level such as: The virtue of Semi-Skimmed over skimmed milk; D more »

Frederick St. Surin says...

If your mouth and your brain were your left and right hands, you would not be a Ambidextrous person. I don't have anything against you. I hate old style of Haitian politic. Even though, Haitian knows it all. It's okay to disagree with one anoth more »