Agent kk Agent dyol santi

You know what anro mean. Ou se neg morn epi wap di ou pa konin sa anro vle di stupid.

Speaking of bleaching I'm enjoy and pride of being a black Haitian also very satisfy with my complexion.

Therefore I have no reason to bleach myself and Jehovah chose to create me as black Haitian I'm satisfy with that. Those people you referring to I'm not their fan because I do not like their eyes to begin with and other thing from them I do not like ok stupid.

I work with some of the Caucasian people however they think I'm racist because I do not kiss butt. I like myself as Haitian and very pride of who I am.I said you dark because you get on my nerve I want to put you where you belong you're dark but not because I wish to be someone else.Even if I was dark I would still be pride of being Haitian by the way you can get mad all you want but that is the truth if they say all light skin come first I will go before you.See how you hate martelly because of his light skin. Ou se cochon ding dyol bokier, dyol santi, garson zing ou pawe se zing ase wap fe sou blog la wap trove aven tou chien panze agent kk.

Posted by Richelle on September 1 2011 at 8:48 PM


Richelle, you should stay away from mirrors because you ...
Agent-x, September 01 2011 · Reply

It is never to late Agent kk to change you unhealthy behavior for the sake of yourself and those who round you if you have any around ...
Richelle, September 02 2011 · Reply

Rachelle, the volume of mental patients I interviewed probably exceeded all the books, newspapers and magazines you read. I don't know if ...
Agent-x, September 02 2011 · Reply

Agent kk do you have a job?I can answer that for you is that simple no you do not have a job.Agent kk you living on my tax and this is why you ...
Richelle, September 02 2011 · Reply

Richelle, who is supporting whom with their taxes? It does not take a rocket scientist or a PhD, in linguistics, nor a PhD, in ...
Agent-x, September 02 2011 · Reply

AgentKK May you clarify the ...
Mac Handal, September 03 2011 · Reply

It does not take a rocket scientist or a PhD, in linguistics, nor a PhD, in comparative literature or a PhD, in English or in pedagogy to ...
Richelle, September 06 2011 · Reply