Frederick St. Surin, since you taxed me as a communist, I...
Frederick St. Surin, since you taxed me as a communist, I think that you are not too bright.
Consequently, you should try to discus topics that are at the dimension of your microcephaly level such as:
The virtue of Semi-Skimmed over skimmed milk;
Difference between Lady Gagga and Michael Jackson;
How to ties your shoes faster;
How to scramble two eggs without spilling it on the floor.
Stop asking how much stamp to buy to send an email;
Stop asking what is the difference between train and subway;
Not to stare at orange juice carton for hour because it said concentrate;
Response to:
Why are you so frighty. No wonder why we can't get...
Foreigners are taking over Haiti by buying lands
This is what will happen to Haiti in a few years if the continue to allow foreigners to buy our lands
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If your mouth and your brain were your left and right...
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