It does not take a rocket scientist or a PhD, in linguistics...

Richelle - September 6 2011, 6:25 PM

It does not take a rocket scientist or a PhD, in linguistics, nor a PhD, in comparative literature or a PhD, in English or in pedagogy to assess your fund of knowledge, your intellectual capacity or your level of civility.

Below I quote verbatim your literature masterpiece.

Let the public assess its content, quality, standard of decency, logic and soundness then they will draw the conclusion as to who is more likely to support whom.

Agent kk, this is a very good sentence above also I want to help you little bit on that. If you're not stupid use commonsense pay close attention to who's online 24/7 doing what?

attacking other clear and simple that person has to be on welfare.H/s don't have nothing to worry about such as mortgage, light bill, electricity,cable, the list goes on because if you do have those things to pay for you should be working somewhere instead of all over the place looking for trouble online.You everywhere belpolitic, martelly blog, other haitian blog and all of your comments are provocative to almost everybody this is my inference and therefore my tax taking care of your stink ass because you do not have a job.The restaurants in Florida are not looking for no dishwasher, boy boss, salads prep, janitor also florida has no construction work anymore this is why you have no job.For me agent kk I go to work everyday regardless of the weather even sometime my car stuck in the snow call the cab make it to work this is why I' not online 24/7 unlike you.get lost lousy

Response to:

Richelle, who is supporting whom with their taxes? It...


Agent kk Agent dyol santi

You know what anro mean.Ou se neg morn epi wap di ou pa konin sa anro vle di stupid.Speaking of bleaching I'm enjoy...

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