Martelly does not fares well with prayers.He is better off without it
- November 16 2011, 5:02 AM
Michel Martelly does not fares well with prayers.
It appears that his misfortunes increase proportionally with the amount of prayers he and his followers have done.
This partial list of events occurred during Martelly prayer retreat or shortly after it.
[x]Military scheduled in the Greek calendar or kan ti poul fait dents.
[x]Parliament taking action to impeach him and his lieutenants.
[x] Communication minister death.
[x]Score of Haitians killed in Dominican Rep. Haitian Gvt downplay the it
[x]Aircraft incident #2 Nov 12th, 2011
[x]Motor vehicle collision in P-au-P several death Nov 12th 2011.
[x]Resounding deception from parliament presidents.
[x]Aircraft incident #3 Nov 15th, 2011.
[x]Public market fire in Croix des bouquets Nov 15th 2011.