770,000 Lutins, or virtual children are attending school for the first time
770,000 Lutins, phantoms or virtual children are attending school for the first time.
Our records show that some of the school addresses or children are inexistent while electronics insecurity or electronics soft hold up continue during money transfers from overseas to Haiti and US dollars cash cash Lubin is widespread throughout the banks in Haiti.
Our houngan Roro spread Roroli on the roof of the schools in Haiti in a desperate attempt to metamorphose those Lutins into real children without success.
I guess Martelly should give him more Rhum Barbancourt, live roosters to help the gods accomplish this Herculean task.
Now they are trying to find a computer programmer that might be able to convert the virtual children into real children.
This is also a formidable task even brilliant minds such as :Blaise Pascal, Kurt G