It's The Time To liberate Duvalier's Sold Out Slaves in the Dominican Repub
Duvalier and his five super ministers sold those black Haitian slaves to Dominican Sugar Plantation Owners in 1976. Some were kidnapped, mistreated and sold to Dominican Republic through the braceros program sponsored by the United States of America.
Haitians need to remember what Duvalier means to all Haitians, a slave trader after all and a so-called kinky hair mulatto.
He wanted to be slave owner himself and he sold those Haitians through that braceros program.
If Haitians call upon Duvalier to regain power again in Haiti they will be classified as dog vomit to repeat Leslie Manigat.
I don't think Haitians will make that mistake again.
The French government just parachuted Nicolas Duvalier within the Martelly's government to get him elected in the next Haiti's elections and I am telling you that I will die for this cause and many will die too. French Businesses left Haiti in 1986 and now they will be back after Martelly accepted to appoint Nicolas Duvalier II as his closest political adviser to gain political experiences for the next elections, and this will not gain momentum under my watch.
Duvalier sold Haitians to DR to enrich himself and his family and now he wants his son back to power, that will only happen if Haitians are dog vomit.
The damages are very severes. How can we live while our brothers and sisters are slaves in DR? Toulimen,i am tired of our leaders. My fuse is getting overload with the monkey businesses in Haiti right now. We need to ask for conpensation for thes more »
We are divided by race, color, education, religion, languages and cultural values. We have two Haitis. The Haiti in the shanty towns of Port-Au-Pce depicted and portrayed by the elites to show the evilness of the black masses and another shiny Haiti more »
I agree with you,but how? Only God can do that miracle in Haiti. I don't want to be negative about it because i am not promoting negativity. It's look impossible in my understanding point. I know God is the key to solve all things. I will focu more »