Right on my brother! dual citizenship is a win/win for Haiti...
- April 7 2012, 9:29 AM
Right on my brother! dual citizenship is a win/win for Haiti.
Pourquoi la constitution et ceux qui dirigent le pay ont si peur de "Double Nationalite?"
Haitien avec double nationalite
Peuple ha
This is the archive of
(Sa se achiv)
(Sa se achiv)
May 14, 2011
Feb 7, 2016
Feb 7, 2016
- President Martelly Two-Year Anniversary Celebration
- PHOTO: Haiti - President Michel Martelly et PM Evans Paul
- President Michel Martelly visit le Centre D’Etude Secondaire
- PHOTO: Haiti - Premier Ministre Evans Paul depose au CEP le décret électoral
- PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly en conversation avec les membres de Religions pour la Paix
- PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly k ap Vote nan Elections
- Vue du site des travaux - Construction barrage Riviere Grise
- PHOTO: Haiti Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe Visit to Boston (USA)
- President Martelly - Inauguration Hopital OFATMA des Cayes Haiti
- PHOTO: Haiti Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe Visit to Boston (USA)
- Rencontre President Martelly avek Senate yo Mardi 3 Juin 2014
- PHOTO: Haiti - Travay Reconstruction nan Cite Soley
- Haiti President Martelly at UN General Assembly
- President Martelly - ceremonie remise de diplomes College Interamericain de Defense (CID)
- President Martelly in Taiwan - Meeting with the Investors
- President Martelly nan Inauguration Pont Riviere Courjolle - Arcahaie Haiti
- PHOTO: Haiti Education - Nouveau Lycée National Fortuné Audate de Monbin Crochu, Nord-Est Haiti...
- PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly ap Vote nan Elections
- Ministre Florence Guillaume - Inauguration Hopital OFATMA de Cayes Haiti
- PHOTO: Haiti Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe Visit to Boston (USA)
- Video : Anivèsè Prezidan Repiblik La Michel Joseph Martelly
- Video : Haiti - Prezidan Martelly Reyaji Swit Ak Evazyon Nan Prizon Sivil Kwadèboukè A
- VIDEO: President Martelly inogure lopital OFATMA Aux Cayes
- VIDEO: Président Martelly est honoré par la Fondation Happy Hearts
- Haiti - Laurent Lamothe - Commémoration 1er Mai, fête de l'Agriculture et du Travail, à Damien