You have got to be kidding me! here we go again! this is the...

Tiba - September 6 2012, 3:31 PM

You have got to be kidding me! here we go again! this is the common strategy of the Haitian to use "corruption/drug" game talk everytime they want cash from the United States.

Feeling good talk!

It's an illusion to believe the Haitian government's honesty to eliminate corruption when the government is the most corrupted intity in Haiti.

"Corruption is the government, and the government is the coruption."

The Haitian government can only lie and bluff the US and the international community but they cannot play that game with Haitian natif natal anymore about corruption because we know better.

I have been talking about a flagrant corruption that has been going on within the Martelly's government for days now and yet he cannot do anything about it. These young men are still in prison even their parents have already paid $30,000 to the Commissaire du Gouvernement in Cap-Haitian, Mr. Jules and paid $3,000 each to the parents of the drowned young boy for his funeral.

Mr. Jules keeps changing their release day constantely.

He was supposed to release them Monday but instead went to that meeting in P-A-P and would spend the rest of the week in St.Mark before returning to Cap-Haitian.

He is from St.Mark.

These young men are in prison for committing no crime and braking no laws.

Why doesn't Martelly takle corruption within his own government first if he really serious about dismentalling it?


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