Progress Report
Dear President
I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am to read every day how much your government is doing to improve the live of our fellow citizens.
New schools, new health facilities are popping all over the place.
Keep up with the good work. This is history in the making.
You are not only talk the talk, you are sure walk the walk. I am praying your successor will continue the job. I may not be alive to see my country of birth makes a complete 180 degrees turn to improve the negative image the world is used to see. God has a plan for Haiti, my grand kids would be happier of their heritage.
Yeah, God has a plan for Haiti,1789 to 2014,we r the 19 poorest country of the world. All we have to do, is: pray, wait for NGO to feed our people, US/UN occupation of our land, highest birth rate and highest death rate in the western hemisphere. more »
Haiti must return to prayer. Haiti needs one School of Priesthood and a Pastoral College in the North, South, East and West. Haiti needs more priests and pastors to expand the Kingdom of God on Earth, to learn the Bible. Too many people do not know more »
Haiti has been praying that Chritian prayer to the Christian God wiyh the help of Christian priests and pastors since 1492. Get a clue. more »
Haiti has been praying that Chritian prayer to the Christian God wiyh the help of Christian priests and pastors since 1492. Get a clue. more »
Haiti should persevere in that prayer and never turn back to evildoers. Haiti should pray and put the word of God in practice in her life. Haiti should follow the Bible and obeys the commandments of God so Haiti can get a divine change. God has a b more »