PHOTO: Haiti - Fanfare Palais National ap voye mizik monte sou Kiosque Occide Jeanty...

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So far, 4 comments have been posted, read what our visitors think about PHOTO: Haiti - Fanfare Palais National ap voye mizik monte sou Kiosque Occide Jeanty...
Une tres belle unitiative more »
Congratualtions, the Sunday free concert is back on the Champs de Mars to the Sound of the Music Fanfare Palais National. Come to relax under the sun every sunday afternoon, come to meet a friend on the Champs de Mars. Vive President Martelly Admin more »
Club Zanmi sou Champs de Mars, vini fai connaissance sou Champs de Mars, vini ri, vini rencontre zanmi, vini tande music chak dimanche pou nou retounin nan travail pi nef lundi. Vini fai kai ou kontan nan joi music la voye ya. Vini pran you recreati more »
Free Concert sou Champs de Mars. Toute machan crem vanille,corosol,cocoye, chocolat, fresco, pate, cupcake, douce cocoye, noix, pistache, pistache grille, acra, banana pese, marinade, mente toli, tito ap fai commerce. Champ de Mars ak Cine Triomphe more »