Agent X - Haiti - President Michel Martelly Archives
Topic and comments posted by Agent X
(Page 13 of 36)
Correction: I must change my $2 key board that I bought 15...
November 5, 2011 3:07 AM
Correction: I must change my $2 key board that I bought 15 years ago at a Salvation Army store because the typos are nowadays out of control. RE: Fanatik madan manigat ap krie paskel pa president ▼ ▼ ▼ You may need to go to a $ more »
Sparrow-wacko Michel Martelly met his match with Arnel Belizaire
November 5, 2011 2:26 AM
Sparrow-wacko met his match. Once upon a time there was a man the Haitian people called sparrow-wacko. He had no respect for the dark skin Haitians and the peasants. Sparrow-wacko and his friends believed that they were privileged people by virtue... more »
Senate is sceduled to certify M.J. Martelly as a master liar on 11-05-2011
November 4, 2011 5:58 PM
The Haitian Senate is scheduled to certify Michel Joseph Martelly as a master brazen pathological liar; the Senate will certify him also the same moment as the lowest of the lowly effeminate coward and kidnapper on 11-05-2011. Stay tune with... more »
3 November is magouyeurs' Day in Haiti
November 4, 2011 11:43 AM
Agent-X proposes that November 3rd of every year in Haiti should be celebrated or cursed as the day of the magouyeurs, magoulleurs or people that are up to no good since all the following events occurred on November 3rd. this year. This fleeting... more »
It is 10 P.M. Do we know where is the sparrow-wacko Michel Martelly? ?
November 4, 2011 12:14 AM
Well since sparrow-wacko Michel Martelly is the man who is far, nearby and nowhere simultaneously and who do not accept responsibility for his illegal actions, we believe right now he has a monologue with his "crack" pipe or with his Prozac in a... more »
Wide spread panic in Martelly camp ♦ Jean Claude Duvalier may go to Dom Rep
November 3, 2011 7:06 PM
The question is who is minding the store? Martelly childish and ghede like behavior will cost him the presidency soon. 3 November 2011► Parliament stern inquisition regarding Sparrow-wacko Martelly kidnapping of Honorable Deputy Arnel... more »
Martelly paid over 1 million US $ for people to great him at the Airport
November 3, 2011 11:54 AM
The sparrow-wacko Michel Martelly paid over one million dollar to poor Haitians for staging a so called mass demonstration of support to welcome his arrival from the US today Thursday November 3rd, 2011 at 10:40 AM but it is the same government who... more »
Michel Martelly diarrhea is reported under control after four days
November 1, 2011 1:57 AM
Doctors that is in charge of the treatment of Michel Martelly said tonight that Martelly diarrhea is under control. Some medical personnel observed that he has an obsession with Arnel Belizaire picture. Martelly was treated with psychotropic drugs... more »
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