Agent X - Haiti - President Michel Martelly Archives
Topic and comments posted by Agent X
Catholic church was vandalized in Cap Haitian over the Weekend
August 9, 2011 1:56 AM
Over the weekend the Cathedral in Cap Haitien was vandalized. There are rumors that some protestant groups are behind the vandalism. Some even pointed their fingers at the Episcopalians. Details are sketchy at best as of 08-09-2011 We Haitians... more »
This message is probably from the Haitian traitor who does not
August 9, 2011 12:41 AM
This message is probably from the Haitian traitor who does not have a typical Haitian first and last name that claimed he had exposure in South East Asia recently for his master or this message might be enacted from his boss # 4. ►Your... more »
Martelly is elected to stroll not to manage the country.
August 8, 2011 10:55 PM
Martelly has chosen the path of least resistance by taking expensive and senseless strolls to the detriment of poor Haitians, instead of managing the country. It is easier to be seen in military reviews in other countries, taking pictures for... more »
Martelly est elu pour flaner non pas pour manager le pays.
August 8, 2011 10:55 PM
Martelly a choisi le chemin de moindre r more »
I instructed Miss Maria Sanchez to take baboon A-2539 to the
August 8, 2011 3:08 PM
I instructed Miss Maria Sanchez to take baboon A-2539 to the Martelly vs the Haitian people political match on Sunday August 14th 2011. The match will be boring because the people know its outcome. Our advanced and prudent thinkers will save the... more »
Tickets for Match Football between Martelly and haitian people are on sale
August 8, 2011 11:03 AM
Martelly vowed to score another goal on the Haitian people on the 14th of each month until he score 60 a zero if we let him go that far. The football match between Martelly and the Haitian people will take place again Sunday August 14th 2011 at... more »
Spain going to help Haiti the chicken develop their theet.
August 5, 2011 12:19 AM
We hope that everything will be on schedule in the Greek calendar. Martelly claims that Spain is about to provide financial assistance to Haiti. The speech was made during the Zapatero-Martelly Humpty Dumpty festival that was held in Spain on July... more »
Buy your Football ticket for the Match Martelly vs the People for 08-14-11
August 4, 2011 11:23 PM
►Buy your tickets for the football match between Martelly and the Haitian people scheduled for Sunday August 14th 2011 at Noon. ►Tickets are on Sale at the money transfers kios, Banks, Western Unions and anywhere they sell the phone... more »
Bernard Dishonorable Gousse political death's Certificate
August 3, 2011 4:16 PM
►We are rectifying the political death certificate of Bernard Dishonorable Gousse ►We are announcing with infinite joy and euphoria the political and civic death of Mr. Bernard Dishonorable Gousse that occurred at the Haitian Parliament... more »
Bernard Dishonorable Gousse mort raid on 2 Aug 2011 at 11:03 P.M.
August 2, 2011 11:35 PM
►2 August 2011- 5:35 P.M. A division of demons from hell arrived on earth to carry Bernard Des-honorable Gousse without fanfares to hell for his crimes.. ►By 11:03 P.M. the Haitian Parliament pronounced Bernard Gousse "Mort raid at the... more »
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