Agent Y X - Haiti - President Michel Martelly Archives
Topic and comments posted by Agent Y X
Haitian Vitamin-News 16 November 2011-part-B-1
November 16, 2011 4:55 PM
◙ New York Times ▬ By RANDAL C. ARCHIBOLD-07 November 2011►Cuba Takes Lead Role in Haiti more »
Aristide And The Baby Eating Ceremony
September 28, 2011 11:24 AM
HAITI VODOO: ARISTIDE AND THE BABY - Friday October 15, 2010 Sacrificing of a new born baby in order to keep President Jean Bertrand Aristide in power HAITI VODOO: ARISTIDE AND THE BABY 21:30 Hours, March 5, 2000. Only Aristide more »
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