Lucienne Royale - Haiti - President Michel Martelly Archives
Topic and comments posted by Lucienne Royale
(Page 1 of 2)
You been in power for more than 21 year, you are talking about...
August 30, 2011 4:19 PM
you been in power for more than 21 year, you are talking about bayacou, tha's mean you did nothing if we still have bayacou in Haiti. more »
Richele they don't like Marthelly because is the only Haitian...
August 29, 2011 2:19 PM
richele they don't like Marthelly because is the only Haitian Presidant who's ask the Haitian abroadto come back, they are affraid of the diaspora.for what? because we are more qualified, we know what Democracy means. more »
Pagen moun ki vole pacew aristid ou tye ou brize wap mouri kan...
August 24, 2011 2:59 PM
pagen moun ki vole pacew aristid ou tye ou brize wap mouri kan meme more »
"he is a stupid president so far" did you fogot to add something
August 24, 2011 2:47 PM
"he is a stupid president so far" did you fogot to add something more »
Agent-X ou vle dim se martelly ki vin avek probllem ca yo...
August 24, 2011 2:43 PM
agent-X ou vle dim se martelly ki vin avek probllem ca yo explikew ban san hont sak vini ak tue moun pou point de vue yo san hont more »
What's the matter with you people with eurocentric africanist...
August 24, 2011 1:58 PM
what's the matter with you people with eurocentric africanist we don't have nothing else to do with a country 80%of the people can read and write, without portable water it's a schame that in 2011 we still talking about BIAS focus on somethinng... more »
Ou pa konpran cam di ya mwen diw lavalas nan pouvwa depi 21 ans...
August 24, 2011 1:48 PM
ou pa konpran cam di ya mwen diw lavalas nan pouvwa depi 21 ans yo pa regle enyen ce yo ki vini avek chime, assasinat jounalist, vol nan administratyon letat yo ce sa mwen di, aba lavalas more »
Agent x ou chire 20 ans wap kraze brize ca fini pozew ti papa...
August 24, 2011 12:43 PM
agent x ou chire 20 ans wap kraze brize ca fini pozew ti papa apwe Martelly, Martelly more »
Agent-X we know who you are, assasins= aristid, your people...
August 18, 2011 4:24 PM
Agent-X we know who you are, assasins= aristid, your people been in power since 1990, let us try something new please give Haiti a chance, since you came back the killing start again, you like seing blood of the poor that you said you love,please... more »
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