Tiba - Haiti - President Michel Martelly Archives

Topic and comments posted by Tiba
(Page 8 of 12)

Sophie You seem to feel very threaten by that. Should I be...

Sophie You seem to feel very threaten by that. Should I be insulted for wanting to work to change the life on my people? People with pea brain like you always believe it's a bad thing to want to work for a government, or to want to be president, or... more »

In Light of Nominations, What About The Bien-Etre Social Department?

I think Martelly should let me run the Bien-Etre Social Department, (The Department of Human Services). Is there one in Haiti? It's gotta be! if so, that's all I want and anyone who has a problem with that would have to "kouri sou lestomak mwen." more »


Foreigners keep pouring in Haiti every day with a well imaginary plan to save Haiti. As there are more so-called Non Government Organizations in Haiti better known as "NGOs," Haitian government relies totally and completely on those white people of... more »

Fred, If you take another look of the paragraph below you would...

Fred, If you take another look of the paragraph below you would understand why I doubted your knowledge of the area. You said "Port-Margot is the largest town in the area. (I used to go to church there every Sunday and my Birthday Certificate says... more »

Frederick, Nice try! First of all, do you know anything about...

Frederick, Nice try! First of all, do you know anything about Borgne? Have you ever heard of that city, Au Borgne? You said "Novion is a commune of Port-Margot" and my question to you is how could Novion be a commune of Port-Margot when Port-Margot... more »

WOW! First and foremost, Port-Margot is not along the coast...

WOW! First and foremost, Port-Margot is not along the coast. There is gigantic river that runs through Port-Margot and a river is not ocean/sea.Port-Margot and Novion are not coastal towns. Chouchou-Bay and Au Borgne are the coastal cities because... more »

Fernande, You keep proving me right every time. You just...

Fernande, You keep proving me right every time. You just presented yourself as the prime example of those who are displaying the state of acute hallucination, delusion, paranoia, and manic on this blog. Read what you just wrote and you'll see it... more »

I can never stop wondering why do Haitians on this blog sound...

I can never stop wondering why do Haitians on this blog sound so much as if they are in state of acute hallucination, delusional, paranoia, bipolar, and some manic episodes as shown so much in their posts. Please bloggers stop all of the gibberish... more »

Si Stanley Lucas est reelment le conseiller du president...

Si Stanley Lucas est reelment le conseiller du president Martelly, cela a fait tout de sense a comprendre tous les problemes qui existent actuelment en Haiti pour former ce nouveau gouvernement. Le musicien Martelly qui tourne politician a parle de... more »

Mirelande Manigat was too old to be president but she is young...

Mirelande Manigat was too old to be president but she is young enough to be prime minister? Her brain was too fuggy/cloudy to be "The commander in chief, but stable enough to be in command of the country? Can anyone understand why the country... more »

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