Toulimen Legrand - Haiti - President Michel Martelly Archives

Topic and comments posted by Toulimen Legrand
(Page 26 of 26)

Violence Against Women Will Stop With Martelly: How?

Haiti is a country of oppression and the latter creates abject poverty for 90% of Haitians. Haiti needs to opt toward an egalitarian society to dismantle the partriarchal structure of the state of Haiti which allows men to own women and do whatever... more »

Death penalty should be restored against drug dealers...

Death penalty should be restored against drug dealers, criminals and kidnappers too. I agree with you 100%. more »

Hi Richelle, in politics people need to put anger and political...

Hi Richelle, in politics people need to put anger and political partisanship aside to play the hypocritical game. Martelly was supposed to do that even though Preval could be arrested in the next 72 hours for his mismanagement of those elections... more »

I knew after he got elected that it would be difficult for me...

I knew after he got elected that it would be difficult for me to contact him but I keep emailing him constantly with few replies from his team. I told them if they refused to listen to the Haitian Diaspora's voice they would fail soon and I don't... more »

Decentralization to Rebuild Haiti: How?

You said Haiti would not be anymore the Republic of Port-Au-Pce. How will that be possible? Will you encourage autonomous regional governments in each department in Haiti as required by Toussaint Louverture, the founding father of all autonomous... more »

Population Control Is Necessary In Haiti: How?

You have mentioned in your inaugural speech that the Haitian population will be kept under control and it will be one of the government tasks to help the Western World with that. However, one thing that I would love to say to you is this: Are you... more »

Jean-Pierre, politics is not an easy task as many may have...

Jean-Pierre, politics is not an easy task as many may have thought it. Outside of the political field, you and I can blame many, but being inside the inner circle of those politicans one can learn many different things that no one could have ever... more »


Le message du president Michel J. Martelly a ete livre au peuple Haitien sous un ton populiste. Le chef de l'etat a une fois de plus reitere les grandes lignes de sa politique nationale centree sur les interets nationaux de l'etat Haitien. Il a... more »

Si l'homme blanc ne vous avait pas apporte cette evangile...

Si l'homme blanc ne vous avait pas apporte cette evangile colonizatrice pour enfin lui pardonner de l'imposition de l'esclavage dans votre vie en tant que peuple noir colonize, je me demande comment serait votre vie? Regardez a l'echelle mondiale... more »

A Message For President Michel Martelly

Dear President Martelly, I seize the opportunity to congratulate you on your victory in the last elections of March 20, 2011. You had really given a strong performance during the last electoral debate and Haitians in all parts of Haiti would love... more »

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