Hopital OFATMA de Cayes Haiti
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All Comments (4)
Haiti needs an affordable HaitiCare health insurance for all Haitians to be insured to see a physician every six months.
How much will the HaitiCare health insurance cost?
It could be $21 a month for low income people and they will have to pay $5 for prescriptions.
The unemployed will pay $12 to see a doctor.
Create jobs in health insurance, life insurance, auto, fire, storm
I agree with you Frank, Haiti needs affordable healthcare insurance to pay medical bills and to buy medications.
All workers need health insurance in Haiti in this new millenum.
As they are discovering new diseases such as Ebola, Cholera, Azheimers, Parkinson, Aids, to name a few, in the world, Haiti needs to be equipped to prevent these contagious diseases.
Haiti needs to get involved in the treatment of all these diseases.
Health insurance will make it possible for everybody to get a physical exam at least every six months.
Haiti needs more School of Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Laboratory, Nursing schools to keep the Haitian people healthy.
Haiti be strong and
These patients have no insurance to pay their inpatient bills and medications.
Where will the country find money to pay the nurses and doctors?
There are no jobs to pay medical
C'est mieux que rien, mais cette asemblee de patients dans une meme salle est faite dans des pays sous
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