Nouveau Pont, Riviere Courjolle - Arcahaie Haiti
President Michel Martelly, accompagné du Secrétaire d'Etat aux Travaux publics, Transports et Communications, M. Philippe Cinéas, a inauguré, Jeudi 17 Avril 2014, un pont de franchissement dans la commune de l'Arcahaie (Ouest), sur la rivière Courjolle, en vue de faciliter la libre circulation sur la Nationale No.1.
Read more about Arcahaie Haiti, Inauguration pont Rivière Courjolle
All Comments (5)
Sanitation officers should hold a meeting every month with residents of every block to keep their street clean.
It is not only the responsibility of the Department of Sanitation to clean the streets.
Every resident of a block should make sure their streets are clean.
Clean house, clean your street too. Residents should volunteer to clean their streets.
Keeping Haiti is everybody responsibility, not only the Department of Sanitation.
Sanitation officers should hold meeting to teach the people about the importance of cleanliness.
Do not be sloppy, keep Haiti
sa c yon belle travay li ye, se pa manti, zone kafou fe yon jan ak fatra, fe yon jan pou elektrisite a bay plus kouran, dlo, sa ap leve peyi
mwen renmen travay la, mwen ta renmen yo gade nan zone mariani pou yo bay kouran plus pou yo pa sel travay sou rout dlo ak
mwen ta rinmin ou pont consa fet nan leogane sou riviere layonne
se yon riviere ki fe degat le gin cyclone avec gro la
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