Michel Martelly Presidential Archives

Browse through the Presidential photo archives of ex-Haiti President Michel Martelly. See all the pictures taken when Michel Martelly was in president of the Republic of Haiti.

Haiti - Protocole d'Accord El Rancho - President Martelly ap Siyen

Haiti - Protocole d'Accord El Rancho - President Martelly ap Siyen

Gade Photo saa... Protocole d 'Accord El Rancho - President Martelly ap Siyen

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PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly Visité Lopital General pou wè travay rehabilitation ki ap fèt

PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly Visité Lopital General pou wè travay rehabilitation ki ap fèt

Gade photo saa... Haiti - President Michel Martelly vizite lopital general pou wè ak de je li travay rehabilitation ki ap fet...

President Chanm Senat la France la, Jean Pierre Bel, te la tou ak president Martelly e yo te visite kèk lot Chantier edifis piblik ki ap konstwi nan Capital Pòtoprens...

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PHOTO: Haiti PM Evans Paul vizite cine triomphe ak Kiosque Occide Jeanty sou Champs-de-Mars

PHOTO: Haiti PM Evans Paul vizite cine triomphe ak Kiosque Occide Jeanty sou Champs-de-Mars

Gade photo saa... Haiti - Premier Ministre Evans Paul vizite cine triomphe ak Kiosque Occide Jeanty sou Champs-de-Mars pou evalye tout travay ki ap fèt yo.

Visit saa te fèt jounen Samedi 18 Avril 2015 la...

Kisa u panse de sa?

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PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly - Inauguration Kiosque Occide Jeanty

PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly - Inauguration Kiosque Occide Jeanty

Gade photo saa... Gouvenman Haitien an, alatet li president Michel Martelly ak premier minis Evans Paul, inaugure Kiosque Occide Jeanty sou Champs-de-Mars la jounen 14 Mai 2015 la, dat ki make 4 lane depi President Martelly pran pouvwa kom president peyi a...

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President Martelly in Taiwan - Meeting with the Investors

President Martelly in Taiwan - Meeting with the Investors

Look at this photo... President Martelly in Taiwan - Meeting with the Investors

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Sophia Martelly - Hopital Bernard Mevs

Sophia Martelly - Hopital Bernard Mevs

Look at this photo... Sophia Martelly - Hopital Bernard Mevs

Haiti First Lady Sophia Martelly visited Haiti Air Ambulance and Hospital Bernard Mevs Tuesday, May 20 2014, to get a better idea of their mission, their method of operation and especially to support them.

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PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly inogure yon Marché Fruits nan Petionville

PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly inogure yon Marché Fruits nan Petionville

Gade photo saa... Petionville Haiti - President Michel Martelly fèk inogure yon Marché Fruits nan Petionville...

President Martelly poste sou Facebook li...

A Pétion-ville, pour procéder à l'inauguration du Marché aux Fruits. Une promesse devenue réalité!

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PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly - Inauguration Kiosque Occide Jeanty

PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly - Inauguration Kiosque Occide Jeanty

Gade photo saa... Gouvenman Haitien an, alatet li president Michel Martelly ak premier minis Evans Paul, inaugure Kiosque Occide Jeanty sou Champs-de-Mars la jounen 14 Mai 2015 la, dat ki make 4 lane depi President Martelly pran pouvwa kom president peyi a...

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PHOTO: Haiti PM Laurent Lamothe nan DGI pou fè declaration definitive d'impots li

PHOTO: Haiti PM Laurent Lamothe nan DGI pou fè declaration definitive d'impots li

Gade photo saa... Haiti - Premier Minis Laurent Lamothe vini nan DGI pou fè declaration definitive d'impots li pou exercice fiscal 2013-2014...

Se sa yo rele Ozetazini, your Income Tax Return...

PM Lamothe ankouraje tout moun nan peyi d'Haiti pou fe menm bagay la tou.

Kisa-w panse?

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PHOTO: Haiti President Michel Martelly and Planification Minister Yves Germain Joseph

PHOTO: Haiti President Michel Martelly and Planification Minister Yves Germain Joseph

Look at this photo... Haiti President Michel Martelly and Ministre de la planification Yves Germain Joseph shaking hands while prime minister Evans Paul stands by watching

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