PHOTO: Haiti - President Michel Martelly Visite Base CIMO
Gade photo saa... Haiti - President Michel Martelly visite baz Corps d'Intervention du Maintien d'Ordre (CIMO) a nan Delmas 2 jounen Mardi 10 Fevrier 2015 la...
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Read more about President Martelly, Haiti Police, CIMO, Martelly Visit Warf Jeremie CIMO
All Comments (5)
Sure, Haiti needs seaports and ships in every departments to transport gasoline from Venezuela, Brazil to all departments, to transport cars for sales and all types of merchandise, cosmetic supplies, pharmaceuticals, constructions materials, household items, auto parts, etc., from Miami to all departments.
Haiti needs wharf in every town and a motor boat in every arrondissement for the madame saras, the merchants to transport goods, products to Port au Prince and to the supermarkets.
Develop commerce, Agriculture and Nutrition in
Haiti needs seaports in Port au Prince, Jacmel, Gonaives, Hinche, Fort Liberte, Cap Haitien, Port de Paix, Miragoane, Cayes, Jeremie to connect Haiti with the world and develop Trade, Commerce and Economy.
The seaports will accommodate ships to go out to sea to develop import-export in Haiti.
Create jobs and build seaport in every department in Haiti.
Haiti will sing and dance again.
Welcome to Haiti
Il est très prévisible que des groupes revendicateurs s'invitent au carnaval pour manifester leur mécontentement.
Les forces de l'ordre assureront certainement un encadrement sécuritaire.
Mais ils pourraient être devancés par un joyeux service d'ordre carnavalesque dansant et déguisé.
Cela dit, il serait dommage que des revendicateurs égoistes viennent gâcher la fête et donner une mauvaise image de ce carnaval qui pourrait devenir au fils des ans un attrait touristique
Bravo pou gwo travay sa ki ap fet. vizite prezidan ki soti a pie sou waf J e al nan CIMO dmontre popilarite Chef Leta
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