We should by all means sell it to others and when people ask...

Toulimen - July 20 2011, 5:09 PM

We should by all means sell it to others and when people ask you where are you from you should always say Ayiti (Alliti) and not Haiti (Heyiti meaning Hate Yourself).

You are Ayisyan and not Haitian period.

We should write a petition to call for a name change and national reconciliation between all Ayisyans in the days ahead after removing the Boyerism French Curse on our sacred country as a mountainous land and not a land of the hatred or the cursed ones. We will do it ok. Shalom and let's give a praise to the Almighty God or Gran Met as used to say Father Toussaint L'Ouverture (Louverture in French) i.e. the Awakening One, the Chosen One who would lead Ayiti's Revolution.

I will build him a holy site in Haiti when I am back. Take care!

Response to:

AYITI shall be the new name of the Island. Shalom


The Original Name of Haiti Should Be Restored As AYITI and not Haiti

HAITI means HATE Yourself or Hair Tien and that is why we keep hating each other. AYITI is the true name meaning...

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