Haiti - President Michel Martelly Archives

Browse the list of topics discussed during the presidency of Michel Martelly in Haiti.

Saint Anne, Patron of Anse a Veaux in the Nippes.

July 26, 2014 is the feast of St. Anne, the Patron of Anse a Veaux in the Nippes. Anse a Veaux is expecting crowds of people from all over Haiti and overseas to come to celebrate their patron, St. Ann this weekend, starting Friday July 25 to July...

Intervention historique du Président de la République au Parlement européen

Intervention historique du Président de la République au Parlement européen · L'UE s'engage à accompagner Haïti Port-au-Prince, mardi 20 Novembre 2012 : Le Président de la République, S.E.M. Michel Joseph...

Martelly Sans tout bagay

Sans cultte, sans chemise, sans chemisette, sans cheveux, sans tete, sans cerveu, sans poils, sans l'esprit, sans dignite, sans decorum, sans form, sans convenance, sans formation et education familial, sans moderation, sans moral, sans control...

Duvalier had done it and why not Martelly. CNN and NBC are not...

Duvalier had done it and why not Martelly. CNN and NBC are not above the law in the U.S. and on the international arena as well. They could be fined and there is an international protocol on that. We have signed international protocol and...

Agent x keep your mouth shut where have you been

Where have you been when that same kind of parliament we have today been tolarated aristide and preval and now we dont have a place the world call country anymore who you think is responsible for minustah in haiti aristide sedras with the embargo...

FELICITATION Monsieur le Président Martelly

Je voudrais juste saluer votre travail à la tête du pays. Merci beaucoup Monsieur le Président,

A Message For President Michel Martelly

Dear President Martelly I'm happy for you, the way I feel today i can not express myself i'll pray God to protect you against these people who does'nt want this country goes forward,Dear President please help us help this country i can not wait to...

Le Président de la République reçoit les lettres de créance du nouvel Ambassadeur de l'Union Européenne en Haïti

Port-au-Prince, mardi 22 Septembre 2015 : Le Président de la République, Son Excellence Monsieur Michel Joseph Martelly a reçu, ce mardi 22 Septembre 2015, au Palais National, les lettres de créance du nouvel ambassadeur de...

PHOTO: Haiti PM Laurent Lamothe - Inauguration Caribbean Marketplace, LittleHaiti, Miami FL

Gade photo saa... Haiti Premier Ministre Laurent Lamothe nan Inauguration Caribbean Marketplace, Little Haiti, Miami...

A Message For President Michel Martelly

Dear President Martelly, felisitacion presidan mwen an.. mwen se yon estuian an Rep.Dom. se yon ide ke mwen te geyen mwen ta renmen panse sou li. se pou kostuite PALAIS NATIONAL mwen ta renmen ke ou de contre bankaire, pou mande haitien dan le...