Haiti - President Michel Martelly Video Archives

Watch Videos of speeches by Haiti President Michel Martelly, Videos of his trips and videos of his interactions with the people of Haiti.

Video : Arrivee Du President Michel Martelly A Rome En ItalieVideo : Arrivee Du President Michel Martelly A Rome En Italie
Gade video sa a... Arrivee du President Michel Martelly A Rome en Italie.
VIDEO: Discours President Martelly, Arcahaie, 18 Mai 2013VIDEO: Discours President Martelly, Arcahaie, 18 Mai 2013
5,446 views • 1 Comments
Gade video saa... VIDEO: Discours President Martelly, Arcahaie, 18 Mai 2013
VIDEO: President Martelly inogure lopital OFATMA Aux CayesVIDEO: President Martelly inogure lopital OFATMA Aux Cayes
10,864 views • 1 Comments
Gade video saa... President Michel Martelly inogure lopital OFATMA Aux Cayes. Tande kisa li te di nan diskou li jou...
VIDEO: Haiti - Premye Minis Laurent Lamothe te nan Ile a Vache pou pale sou pwoje yo ki ap fet nan zile aVIDEO: Haiti - Premye Minis Laurent Lamothe te nan Ile a Vache pou pale sou pwoje yo ki ap fet nan zile a
11,940 views • 4 Comments
Gade video saa... Premye Minis Laurent Lamothe te rann yon visit nan Ile a Vache jounen 30 Juin 2014 la pou voye je...
VIDEO: Discour President Martelly, Gonaives 1er Janvier 2014 - Part 2VIDEO: Discour President Martelly, Gonaives 1er Janvier 2014 - Part 2
Gade video saa... Discour President Martelly, Gonaives 1er Janvier 2014 - Part 2
Haiti - Laurent Lamothe - Commemoration 1er Mai,  fete de l'Agriculture et du Travail, a DamienHaiti - Laurent Lamothe - Commemoration 1er Mai, fete de l'Agriculture et du Travail, a Damien
Gade video saa... Premier Ministre Laurent Lamothe 1er Mai 2014 - Commemoration de la fete de l'Agriculture et du...
VIDEO: Arrivee President Martelly et PM Lamothe - Republique DominicaineVIDEO: Arrivee President Martelly et PM Lamothe - Republique Dominicaine
Gade video saa... Arrivee du President Michel Martelly et du premier Ministre Laurent Lamothe pour participer a la...
VIDEO: Haiti - Prezidan Michel Martelly Nan ChokarellaVIDEO: Haiti - Prezidan Michel Martelly Nan Chokarella
13,644 views • 1 Comments
Gade video saa... Vizit sipriz prezidan Michel Martelly Nan Chokarella... President reponn kek kesyon sou satisfaction...
VIDEO: Rencontre President Michel Martelly Et President Francois HollandeVIDEO: Rencontre President Michel Martelly Et President Francois Hollande
13,658 views • 2 Comments
Gade video saa... Rencontre du President Michel Martelly (Haiti) et du president Francois Hollande (France)
Video: proje yon bank pou prete jeune haitien lajan pou fe biznisVideo: proje yon bank pou prete jeune haitien lajan pou fe biznis
9,815 views • 13 Comments
Gade video sa... President Michel Martelly ki ap bay information sou yon proje Bank