Catholic church was vandalized in Cap Haitian over the Weekend

Agent-x - August 9 2011, 1:56 AM

Over the weekend the Cathedral in Cap Haitien was vandalized.

There are rumors that some protestant groups are behind the vandalism.

Some even pointed their fingers at the Episcopalians.

Details are sketchy at best as of 08-09-2011
We Haitians should go behind the obvious because it is not the first time dark foreign forces are trying to polarizing Haitians to break the country.

Some foreign forces are trying to split Haiti in two or more different countries.

They have the following weapons in their arsenal: psychology, politics, bacteriology, guns, economy, Religion, trade, food and their Trojan horses in the country.

They could use any of the above weapons or in combination according to their tactical need and expediency.

The have orchestrated group polarization, antagonist and religious war in Africa, Middle East, Asia and Latin America multiple times

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Jean Pierre Alexandre says...

Agent-x,good job for the info. Remember Aristide created a vaccum in the Catholic Church system in Haiti,since he left the Church;All Catholic Churches in Haiti are doom to destructions. I want you to smile Agent-x. :) more »