"vice"President Martelly will scores his 4 a zero agaist the Haitian peopl
The vice "Vice"President Martelly will score his fourth goals against the Haitian people tomorrow Wednesday September 14th 2011.
Martelly scored 4;the Haitian people scored nothing.
The masters of deceptions are taking the Haitian people to the "cleaner big time."
Meanwhile the foxes are making some well calculated contours, detours and sharp turns with the monies that were allocated to Haiti for its reconstruction under the guise of not having a Premier Minister while some clueless Haitians continue to believe that the parliament is the culprit.
They are playing the game of buying time with the monies while the interest on the monies is growing by leaps and by bonds.
Anmwe, Barer-yo, kimbe-yo, kote lagent yo. Suspan jouette marel-yo.
Posted by Agent-x on September 13 2011 at 1:24 AM
Agent-X, You may have a point. Someone is holding the money and refused to releasing it. They are playing game with the Haitian ...
Purcell Torchon, September 13 2011 · Reply