Kamoken, Heard you loud and clear! but for Haiti's sake, could...
Heard you loud and clear! but for Haiti's sake, could please tell me or show me where I came against a National Army in Haiti?
Although I was disgusted with the old Haitian military because I thought and deeply believed then that they were the sole problem of Haiti and I was very happy when Aristide got rid of them. Unfortunately, I was wrong in my assertion and I am sending a personal and sincere apology to all the ex-military personnel.
To be honest, Haiti and life in Haiti have gotten much worse since the disban of the military.
Like the Haitian proverb goes "Rayi chen di dan-l blanche." There was total security in the country under the military rule and there was no crime of citizens on citizens (other than political crime), and there was no kidnappings.
I am in big support of a military force in Haiti and I have suggested it a few times before because I do believe the presence of a military force can restore some kind of civility in Haiti.
The 5 billion question is, who's going to pay for that since Haiti doesn't have 2 nickels to rub together?
Haiti never had any money to do anything, and therefore it will be up to the international community to decide if they are going to have the stomach to pay for the formation, the training, equipments, and fournishing the weaponry to this new military.
And as I said before to cut the community internal out of the equation believing that Haiti has the resources to create a military force on its own it's living in pure denial and delusion.
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Une Garde Nationale Tiba and Anti Army Co I beg to...
restauration des forces armees d'haiti (Fad'h)
Nous n'avons pas besion l'avis de la communautee int. ni des parlementaires qui sont deja anti l'armee;puisqu'il est...
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